How to Contact Us
To contact any of the people listed below, call (716) 325-0999, or send an email by submitting the form below. Your message will be forwarded to the person you specify.
Board of Trustees
- Interim President: David Winner (replaced Bruce Anderson in January to serve through June)
- Vice President: Ben Haskin
- Secretary: Kate Sommer
- Treasurer: John Anderson
- Trustees: Bruce Anderson, Linda Fellows, Sarah Kindrick
- Church Administrator: Jennifer Schlick
Committee and Group Chairs
- Buildings and Grounds: Tom Meara
- Caring: Linda Hiers
- Giving Garden: Janet Forbes
- Hospitality: Elizabeth Anderson and Michele Victor
- Nominating: Chuck Brininger, John Anderson, David Winner
- Planned Giving: Chuck Brininger, Len Faulk
- Social Justice: Alyssa Raimondo-Swanson
- Sunday Services: Pat Brininger
- UUSC Contact: Janet Forbes
- Social Media: Janet Forbes
- Publicity: Pat Brininger
- Website and Newsletters: Jennifer Schlick