Parker Award
The Social Justice Committee reviews nominations, selects the recipient, and plans and executes the award ceremony and celebration for the presentation of the award. If you are interested in participating, send an email to [email protected] and we will put you in touch with the committee chair.
What is the Parker Award?
The Parker Award was established in 1985 as a memorial for T. Richard Parker, a leader in the Unitarian Church of Jamestown. His wife, Patricia Appleyard Parker, wrote a column in the Jamestown Post-Journal for many years. Recipients of the award are usually individuals whose work has not been widely recognized in other ways. The award carries a monetary gift from an endowment fund. A committee of church members decides upon the award recipient each year, after soliciting nominations from individuals and organizations in the area. Click here for guidelines approved at a Congregational Meeting held on January 20, 1985. |
Recipients of the Parker Award for Social Justice
- 1985 -- Anna May Cole
Literacy work with prisoners in state and local prisons - 1986 -- Carol Adams and Rev. Bruce Buchanan
Work on behalf of battered women and the racial minorities in Dunkirk - 1988 -- Brian Willson
Efforts to end U.S. military aid to the contras in Nicaragua - 1989 -- Frances Taft
Efforts to establish friendly links between the peoples of the United States and the Soviet Union - 1990 -- Ronald Graham
Work on behalf of underprivileged children and the formation of the Jamestown Striders and Lighted Schoolhouse program - 1991 -- Rev. Margaret Monroe-Cassel
Work to build inexpensive housing for the poor with Habitat for Humanity - 1992 -- The Ebony Task Force
Efforts to help African-American children and to improve relations between the races in Jamestown - 1993 -- Rev. Nicholas Rafael
Work in founding Saint Susan's Soup Kitchen and on behalf of poor people - 1994 -- Rev. Everett Seastrum
Assistance to Spanish-speaking newcomers to the Jamestown area - 1994 – Gregory Rabb
Efforts to bring professional counseling to gay and lesbian young people and protect their civil liberties - 1995 -- Mary Ceci
Work on behalf of mentally handicapped children - 1996 -- Keith and Susan Blake
Work in establishing an after-school tutorial program for under-privileged children - 1998 -- George and Irene Lawn
Contributions to the civil rights movement and to prevent neighborhood deterioration - 1999 -- Russell Tilaro
Establishing programs to help people with AIDS in the Jamestown area - 2000 -- Bill DeTally
Efforts to establish better understanding and relations between the races - 2001 -- David Shepherd
Work with several community organizations that serve the needs of disadvantaged people - 2003 – Robert G. Allison
Efforts in support of conservation of natural habitats with the Chautauqua Watershed Conservatory - 2005 – Gregory Peterson
Work in creating the Robert H. Jackson Center for Justice - 2007 – Jennifer Liuzzo
Work in creating the “Infinity” music program for disadvantaged youth - 2009 -- Northside Pride
Citizen-based efforts to halt housing deterioration in their neighborhood - 2011 – Helga Hulse
Giving piano and choir lessons to inmates at the county jail - 2015 – Jamestown Pride Society
Efforts to end derogatory stereotyping of gay and lesbian people via community education - 2017 – Rev. Ruby Wiles
For providing free children's books to poor children to encourage reading - 2020 - Jamestown Mobile Market
For its volunteer work bringing fresh food to neighborhoods in Jamestown which lack the availability of fresh food - 2024 - Wellness and Forensic Center of Western New York & Northwestern Pennsylvania
For starting a medical clinic, the first of its kind in the state, to attend to the medical and psychological care of victims of sexual violence