How to Increase Your Involvement at UUCJ
Beyond attending and participating in the Sunday Services, UUCJ members and friends find many ways to contribute their time and talents. Click a title below to learn more.
- Auction: Our annual FUNdraising Auction of goods and services.
- Buildings and Grounds: Mowing, raking, gardening, painting, cleaning... can be fun when you join this crew.
- Caring: Send cards, make calls, visit, keep in touch with congregants.
- Giving Garden: Gardeners welcome to help turn the compost, tend the gardens, harvest and deliver herbs.
- Hospitality: Help out with refreshments at our weekly coffee hour.
- Parker Award: This group identifies and recognizes individuals and organizations in the community who are making significant change.
- Social Justice: This group is all about community involvement.
- Sunday Services: This group helps to secure speakers for our Sunday Services and coordinates who will serve as host, tech person, etc.