Jamestown, N.Y. – Andrea DiMaio teaches yoga and leads outdoor adventure groups with special focus on folks in larger bodies. At the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Jamestown’s (UUCJ) 10:30 a.m. Sunday service on January 22 she will present “The Outdoors Are For Everyone,” exploring how people in marginalized communities are left out of the outdoor conversation. DiMaio will look at how those whose bodies don't fit a specific "outdoorsy type,” as well as LGBTQIA, BIPOC and people with disabilities, can feel unwelcome in the outdoor community and how we can change that. Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which are held as strong values and moral guides. This message reflects the first Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person. After DiMaio climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa, with them, WHOA Travel started WHOA Plus and hired her to be a group adventure leader. She led a group of plus-sized women on a hike of the Salkantay Trail in Peru and a similar group on hikes and adventures in Iceland. As DiMaio describes, “In 2015 an accident triggered a slow transition in the way I viewed my own body and others that didn't fit the traditional ‘outdoorsy’ body type. In 2017 I started Ample Movement as a local hiking group for people who didn't see themselves represented or felt intimidated by other hiking groups. I have expanded Ample Movement to include other forms of outdoor adventure as well as yoga. I consider myself an adventure seeker and a social justice activist, looking to learn and end all forms of oppression and to work towards liberation for all.” After graduating from Southwestern High School and Jamestown Community College, DiMaio went to Oswego University and then the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Returning to the area, she had her own dog grooming and training business which she sold and retired from in 2019 after 20 years working with dogs. More information about DiMaio is at her website, AmpleMovement.com. Linnea Haskin will be the service leader, and Janine Chimera will provide music. A social time follows the service. Participation can be either in person at 1255 Prendergast Avenue in Jamestown or online. To join virtually, use the link at UUJamestown.org/calendar. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Jamestown is a progressive, liberal religious community serving the southern tier of Western New York and Warren County, Pa. The UUCJ’s mission is to support and celebrate each other, encourage spiritual and individual growth, and serve the wider community. Comments are closed.